Ensure that you’re protected

Insure your business, home, car and more with

MK-Vakuutus Ltd represents Pohjola Insurance, OP Life Insurance and Ilmarinen Pension Insurance.

Ensure that you’re protected

Insure your business, home, car and more with

MK-Vakuutus Ltd represents Pohjola Insurance, OP Life Insurance and Ilmarinen Pension Insurance.

No matter where you are in Finland, MK-Vakuutus is there to handle all of your insurance needs with comprehensive service, in both Finnish and English.

In my work as an insurance agent, I have noticed that many terms in the field can be difficult to understand. I try to make the everyday life of my foreign-speaking customers easier by serving them with good English. I research and help them to understand what every term means, and I always offer the most suitable solution for the customer’s situation in understandable and plain language.

When I was in high school, I worked at Sodankylä K-market and learned valuable lessons in sales and customer service from the shopkeeper. I fondly remember being told to, “Love customers and consider them in every situation. Also feel free to throw personality into the game. It’s always nice to do business in a good atmosphere.” I have tried to follow these instructions in all of my work tasks and throughout my career. In Lapland, they say “ei sole poka mikhän, tehemmä pois” – loosely translated as, “it’s no biggie, so let’s get it done.” This well describes the attitude with which I strive to handle my work: challenge accepted, let’s see how it can be handled as well as possible!

Business Insurance
Home Insurance
Health Insurance
Life Insurance
Automotive Insurance
Travel Insurance
Other insurances

Seeking insurance that meets your needs?
Let’s talk!

Whether you need business, home, automotive or any other insurance, I’ve got you covered! Please feel free to give me a call or send me an email and I’ll get back to you soon.